Globetrotters, true to its name, provides an encouraging environment for moulding the tiny-tots into global citizens. Be it the curriculum, teaching methods, faculty or expertise, globe trotters stands apart, making it an epitome of contemporary education. They train the child’s mind to think beyond the ordinary thereby inculcating a great degree of confidence and courage in their pursuits. Children earn excellent scores in diction, vocabulary and command over English language, which will go a long way building their careers, both professional as well as vocational. Faculty in globetrotters are equipped with state-of-the-art resources which not only ensures mastery in all academic disciplines but also kindles the child’s creative quotient to a great extent. Periodic PTMs, multi-pronged assessment metrics and continuous learning processes make GT the best launchpad for children..
Parent’s Name : Shweta Venkateswaran
Child’s Name : Vaishnavi
Class : Pre-Kg